VoxCeleb Data
Identifier: SLR49
Summary: Various files for the VoxCeleb datasets
Category: Misc
License: Not copyrighted
Downloads (use a mirror closer to you):
voxceleb1_test.txt [2.8M] (A file containing a list of trial pairs for the verification task of the old version of VoxCeleb1
) Mirrors:
voxceleb1_test_v2.txt [2.3M] (A file containing a list of trial pairs for the verification task of the new version of VoxCeleb1
) Mirrors:
voxceleb1_sitw_overlap.txt [839 bytes] (A list of 60 speakers in VoxCeleb1 that overlap with the Speakers in the Wild (SITW) dataset
) Mirrors:
vox1_meta.csv [40K] (A list which provides identity, gender and nationality labels for VoxCeleb1
) Mirrors:
vox2_meta.csv [254K] (A list which provides identity, gender and nationality labels for VoxCeleb2
) Mirrors:
About this resource:
External URL: http://www.robots.ox.ac.uk/~vgg/data/voxceleb